Friday 12 October 2012

First notes

Okay so I want to make an origins of Gambit fan film for my graded unit.
Just go for it right?
first thing that comes to mind is a client i'm going to need a commission if i'm going to do this for my graded unit.
have a couple of ideas in mind, including an interesting one involving a subreddit community and a kick starter campaign, also another INCREDIBLY unlikely one involving a commission from Marvel themselves.

Second thing is copyright issues
since the character is a marvel comics creation I cant go straight into just making the film. I need to do some research on how fan films get copyright clearance. Luckily I had just recently come across a Casey Jones fan film made quite recently. I got in touch with them to ask about their clearance for the film and they replied:

Polaris Banks <> Fri, Oct 12, 2012 at 9:56 PM
I didn't have to worry about any legal issues because I didn't charge anything to see the movie. If you don't
make any money off of your film, you can shoot whatever you want.

So that is pretty vague info but definitely enough to get started on.
Gail once again has become one of the greatest resources I have and has mentioned a possible meeting with an actual Marvel employee so I might be able to get a more detailed and technical answer from them.
Still lots of stuff to be done on this topic though.

John Campbell also gave me some "indirect" but very good advice. and that is simply that I will need help on a project of this size.
after presenting my idea to the class (if only very casually)  people already began to show interest in helping out so I think through a combination of connections I already have as well as any I can make in the coming months. I might actually pull this off.

I was also feeling a bit jumpy after deciding to take on this project so since I was meeting Craig Mckenna to get a copy of his film I helped out with. I took the chance to ask him for some tips.
Instant relief.
he gave me some great things to think about in terms of tackling such a major project the most important being getting started early.  as well as some links to look over (still waiting for his email however) including what is essentially a website that acts like gumtree for film crew and actors.
I also may have pushed him into being my "guardian angel" as I put it so that I have someone experienced in this area to speak to when im in a rut.

I have already started my research into the script ( since it will probably be based on a pre existing origin story with my own personal touch) which means I get to read some Gambit comics and call it work!

To summarise ( and I dont really think I have covered even the basic stuff here.)
Im feeling both absolutely pumped and nervous about  this project.
Its gonna be AWESOME.

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